To Change or Not To Change
My colleague said that after 25 our bad habits become a part of our personality. For me the perfectionism is a religion and changing is practicing it. I met people saying "I like myself as I am and I don't want to change", or "I don't want to be perfect", or "why would anybody need to change?". From my extreme perfectionist point of view these people are heretics.
Cilvēki nemainās, mainās tikai viņu vērtības un pasaules uztvere.
Mainās gan - vieņiem aug nagi un mati, un dažiem arī krīt ārā :)
Perfectionism is characteristic that shows the man has many complexes.
The joy of life is to make mistakes and to be not perfect. Mistakes teach you and make you stronger.
Thanks for the comment. Now I will make it more complicated. What is a "complex"? Is it good or bad? May be it is something that moves us and gives us a motivation for our actions? May be otherwise we turn back to primitivism and "enjoy life" by just eating, sleeping and fucking?
Some people can learn from mistakes of others, some only from their own. Some cannot learn at all. It is a good challenge to live without mistakes. There are people, who enjoy challenging themselves. I am one of them.