Risotto al Nero della Seppia
In Croatia I had an opportunity to try a traditional Mediterranean dish - Risotto al Nero della Seppia (rise with the ink of a cuttle-fish). On the picture below you see Juozas (who normally doesn't eat sea-food) trying it out.

The taste was good and veeeery specific. I like sea-food and I immediately got an idea to try to cook it myself.
It appeared, that the recipe is very simple. You cut a cuttle-fish in pieces, preserving the ink. You fry the pieces with garlic and onion and after some time add consequently white wine, fish broth, rise, ink, parsley and cook until the rise is ready.
Now, the main question: have you ever seen a cuttle-fish? I'm familiar with anatomy of vertebrates, but this time I had to cook an alien.
On this picture I'm kissing with the head of my cuttle-fish (usually I don't play with the food, but I needed a picture here). It took us (me and Juozas) almost an hour to "remove" the ink bags and to clean the body from the insides. Of course, the ink was everywhere, but not in risotto :)
At the end we got a risotto with pieces of a cuttle-fish. It tasted good, but without the ink the taste was totally different from the one we tried in Croatia.
Now I'm thinking what kind of monster to cook next time. Any ideas?