Romka's Bits and Bites

complains, jokes, and recipes

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Back to Research!

(Music: E. Iglesias - Roamer). I found out, that I'm not used to write scientific papers. The way I was doing it was:
  1. define the problem
  2. argue it significance
  3. describe related work
  4. propose own solution
  5. prove that it is better
But actually, scientific community expects the following:
  1. describe related work
  2. propose a method / framework / theory
  3. define it precisely
  4. explore its properties
  5. prove some self-evident theoremes (like, if a=5 and b=4 then a+b=9)
  6. prove that it is shorter / faster / more general
  7. point, that there might be some applications

Busy, busy, busy ...

Hi! Finally I got myself so busy, that I even don't really have time to write you something (I had to split between writing and washing my clothes :))) This weekend I was trying to sleep well, but heavens did not support this idea. On Saturday I've been to another mountain with one student from Lithuania. Here you see me sitting on the grass. The weather became very tricky. It was very hot in Bozen (down), but in Kahle (up) totally opposite. Here you can see a fragment of nice Alpin Forest and me, screaming like a fool. Here you see my meal in one restaurant. Actually I shouldn't take it - I became so fat that I cannot get into one of my trousers. From this moment - no more candies! :)