A Journey to Lage Monticolo
For several months I wished to go to some big water close to Bolzano. Lake Monticolo is a closest lake, so one can go there by bicycle. And so we did (circa a month ago).
The journey was nice, unfortunately it was not so hot that day :) Southtirol has a very large network of bycicle roads, suprisely, they even build tonels for bicycles.

As you might know, Bolzano is surrounded by the mountains, so the way to the lake was always up. Though the way down was a simple pleasure. It took us 3 hours to go there and 1 hour to go back.

The lake seemed to me very small, but since it is the only big water in the area it was quite crowdy there. It is also the reason of the attention to this lake - it is protected natural zone and there's even a hotel built besides.