Saturday, March 12, 2005
This is my vegetarian meal in one good restaurant in that village. Drink's name is "Radler". It is a beer with lemonade. Ok, I have to by some food today (at 19:00 all shops are going to close and no shops on Sundays!), I'll continue tomorrow!

Here I'm in the little village not so far from a town Merano in the South Tyrol, North-West from Bolzano. By the way, in the South-Tyrol a lot of people speaks German, that is why most of the places have double names - in German and in Italian.
All those two weeks here's a wonderful weather. May be it is because of the mountains. Sunshine and another picture:

Bolzano-Bozen, finally I'm in the point of destination. This is a niceview from the bridge. (I see it daily in the morning and in the evening).

By similar train I came to Verona (without lithuanian girls). In verona I had to change trains in 14 minutes. And I took WRONG! :)

Arriving to Bergamo! Pretty nice weather. I should say, that by the way I met two girls from Lithuania. They were flying from Riga to Milano and I had very pleasant company during my travel. Fortunately, they spoke Italien very well.

Airport Frankfurt-Hahn is the Ryanair base in Germany. I had to spend 8 hours there waiting for the next plain. I was sure that there's a nice chair for me, lots of shops etc. Actually there're no such. Airport is VERY small. You don't have a chance to get lost. There're just few chairs, so be lucky to get some of them (I was!). Other people was sleeping on their bags! :) (I was not pictured them to do not confuse). Here's a picture of an airport at daylight:

Flying with Ryanair
So, in the picture below you can see a queue in the Riga airport. In other words the plains was FULL! (~135 passengers) Flight was very nice, except the only thing - they put chairs very close, so you cannot stretch your legs in a comfortable way.

Let the story go ...
As you might know, I went to Bolzano-Bozen by Ryanair. If you ever plan to visit me, you should know, that the cheapest route includes the following steps:
- (Ryanair) Riga - Frankfurt-Hahn
- (Ryanair) Frankfurt-Hahn - Bergamo
- (Autostradale) Bergamo - Milano
- (Trenitalia) Milano - Verona
- (Trenitalia) Verona - Bolzano-Bozen
About This Blog
Dear all,
I started this journal for those who wanted to hear about me more then "I am O.K." (anyway, I am always O.K.) I hate telling same stories many times to many people, so I promise to publish them here, ensured with some good photos.
P.S. Please, excuse my bad English. Why not in Russian or Latvian? I don't have a Russian keyboard, moreover, the keyboard is German! :) In fact, I am meeting more and more friends and English is the language everybody can understand.
P.P.S. I am continuously updating visual appearance and readability of this blog. I hope it is becoming better, but to make it sure I expect your feedback. Any comments and suggestions are more then welcome!