Today I achieved one of the goals of my life. I was lucky, because I almost fail. Now some part of my mind is bugging me that I did not deserve it. Don't know what to do.
# posted by romka,
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
That is why we should have some more abstract goals of life. Never reachable ones. You should go towards it, but not reach it. Otherwise it is just a game for kids, too simple :)
If you don't know what to do, you usually do nothing. Pretty simple, smart, and obvious.. ah?
You DO deserve it, come on! Otherwise, you would have failed it. And congratulations!
:D this post leaves me wondering what you will say after finishing your phd...
have no idea.just hope to survive till that moment.
That is why we should have some more abstract goals of life. Never reachable ones. You should go towards it, but not reach it. Otherwise it is just a game for kids, too simple :)