The Meaning of Life
I asked George if there is still anything left to live for. He told me a good story. I'm going to tell it to you.
A man dies and gets to the heaven, where he meets St. Peter:
- Excuse me, says the man, but I have a question to you.
- I'm listening, says St. Peter.
- Tell me, what was the meaning of my life?
- Do you really want to know it?
- Certainly!
- Remember that in 1983 you went in a business trip to Krasnodar?
- Well, yeah ...
- And you got to know some people, who traveled with you in a train?
- Probably ...
- And you went together to the train's restaurant.
- So ...
- And at the neighbor table there was a woman.
- Could be ...
- And she asked you to pass the salt
- Hm, possibly ...
- And you passed her the salt!
- Most probably!
- That was it.