On Cold War 2
They say now blogs can do some influence. So, this is my drop in a sea.
The first cold war between USA and USSR ended in early 90-s with a break-up of USSR. Now it has the second incarnation. This time between USA and Russia and the battlefield is former USSR republics.
Who is interested in this war? Economically: everybody who is profiting from USA defense budget and weapon production plus some of their partners in Russia. Politically: the existence of "axises of evil" helps politicians to move the public focus from some other internal problems.
Who is losing in this war? Both Russia and USA are damaging their economies, but it is incomparable to the damage done to the former republics where are provoked nationalistic confrontations and even civil wars.
I call up to the people of former USSR republics to stop electing politicians who support either of the sides. Elect the ones who are able to increase the welfare of your country, not just their own welfare and international debts.