Romka's Bits and Bites

complains, jokes, and recipes


I often dispute about the names of some berries in different languages. Once I looked up the dictionary, so I publish the result here:

  1. ru: брусника, lv: brūklene, en: red bilberry, red whortleberry, cowberry, mountain cranberry, de: Preiselbeere, it: mirtillo rosso
  2. ru: клюква, lv: dzērvene, en: cranberry, de: Kranbeere, Moosbeere, it: ossicocco
  3. ru: черника, lv: melene, en: bilberry, blueberry, de: Heidelbeere, it: mirtillo
  4. ru: голубика, lv: zilene, en: great bilberry, de: Blaubeere, Sumpfheidelbeere, it: ?
  5. ru: красная смородина, lv: jāņoga, en: red currant, de: Johannisbeere, Ribisel, it: ribes rosso
  6. ru: черная смородина, lv: upene, en: black currant, de: Schwarze Johannisbeere, it: ribes nero
  7. ru: малина, lv: avene, en: raspberry, de: Himbeere, it: lampone
  8. ru: крыжовник, lv: ērkšķoga, en: gooseberry, de: Stachelbeere, it: uva spina
  9. ru: морошка, lv: lācene, en: cloudberry, de: Multbeere, Sumpfbrombeere, it: ?

You can contribute to this list by adding the berries that are not in.


On 19/5/08 Blogger Žāūčō said:

Lācene - Cloud berry ;)
Yeah and it also became an issue for me last Saturday while having desert with jam and finding out how is brūklene in english and lithuanian.

On 21/5/08 Blogger b-dashke said:

Tell me why there is no Lithuanian version? a? Your roomates are not talking to you anymore?

lt: Bruknė
lt: Spanguolė
lt: Mėlynė
lt: Girtuoklė, vaivoras
lt: Raudonasis serbentas
lt: Juodasis serbentas
lt: Avietė
lt: Erškėtrožė
lt: Tekšė

On 26/5/08 Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hey, you forgot strawberry (Erdbeere) and blackberry (Brombeere). ;)


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