About Depression
Pearl of today - an idea for a book "Depression as a Way of Life: Professional's Approach"
I always said that a depression is for those who got nothing to do. Now I got a lot of things to do, but somehow want to kill myself or the others with some periodicity.
A common opinion says, a depression is a normal state of the brain as a result of its activity. However, if the brain stays too long in this state, a depression can develop into a maniacal depression which is a serious mental illness.
i suggest to dump your depressive music to give your brain some break..
I think depression is however a chemical state of the brain. It impacts personality, mood, decision making, everything. Usually it goes over, while if it develops, one needs medication and/or treatment. It is not a normal state of a human-being brain. Most of the times, depression is subconscious and the person has little control of it. In other cases it seems to be a result of some depressive thinking. The worst is for people who cannot forgive something. And most of the times, they cannot forgive themselves, they are not forgiving easily the faults of others. This makes relations very complicated and person is doomed to stay with one's spinning depressive thoughts. The solution is to care less!
maybe ur solution is worng!
Thanks everyone for the comments. I heard, that a sad music in a sad mood is kind of helpful. When I feel sad I don't like to see anyone being happy around me. To the reasons of a depression I can add a lack of motivation.
everything or anything can be wrong or right. Who cares? The only important thing is that one feels OK (not necessarily happy or ultra happy!). Anyway in case of depression I would still suggest to care less. First care less about yourself, then about the others. The problem with people is that they feel so bloody important and unique.
btw, a person who masters the sarcasm and irony cannot be depressed. So another solution would be to master things professionally to be able to look at the one's depression ironically.
To master a depression - try to be more altruistic especially towards the people you don't like.
It's a tough task, but give it a try.
wait, why? Do you think you would start liking them better? It only increases the feeling of superiority, which does not help in human relations. Usually there is a reason why one does not like some people. And often it is some kind of fear (do not take it literally) which resides in subconsciousness. To start feeling ok about such people is to ensure they do not endanger you.
Once I was altruistic. Wrong approach. Your altruism in 99% of the cases doesn't do any impact, but consumes a lot of your time and energy. Altruism is a nice topic to discuss. I have some comments on it once to be published.
And if to think a bit more - happiness is also a chemical state of the brain and it can be provoked by some stuff :) Unfortunately the stuff is too expensive and have some side effects :(
Guoda, caring less is one thing, thinkin then everything will get better is an other thing!
By being altruistic you care less about yourself anyhow because you start looking at things differently. Changing the perspective, the angle is a vital task.
We are all caged in ourselves and being altruistic is a chance to escape this cage.
Why are we depressed? Because we are we, you are you and I am I!
We only suffer from a lack of imagination...
Thinking that everything will get better - is fooling yourself :) Everything cannot get better for everyone when the resources are limited - there will always be interest conflicts.
Now about altruism. Someone said that it is an extreme form of egoism. I don't really agree. The true altruism supposes no impact. Then it is a waste of time. There should be some sense in actions, don't you think?
And about happiness. I don't want to be happy. I don't want to get used to it. As you remember - if you feel happy, you don't know something.
Generally, I think that attaining constant hapiness is not feasible. But trying to be mentally and physically satisfied, i.e. stable seems to be a reasonable task.
Again, satisfied is when all your expectations are fulfilled. Reasonably satisfied is when some chosen part of your expectations is fulfilled. To simplify, expectations = wishes = goals. I chose very weird ones. So, when I will be happy most of won't be.
Expectations don't equal wishes. Expectations are made on a ratoinal ground by defintion, whereas wishes could be irrational. So expecting something involves rationality.
It is not about being happy. It is about being satisfied. Try to get out of yourself (to avoid depressive mood)!
Everything has its time. This day will come. 4 years left.