Fly High
The higher you fly, the harder you'll fall. Troubles come when you think they are over. If you feel happy - probably you don't know something. A good mood is the one which is easy to change.
complains, jokes, and recipes
© R.K.
what is wrong with you? Pessimistic thoughts serve you as good as a stone tied to your feet when swimming. Do you want to swim or drown?
Thank you for the comment! As long as swimming and drowning lead to the same end - there's no big difference, right? I'm writing pessimistic thoughts because I think I'm good at it. In addition, there is an advantage of being pessimistic - you get surprised each time something good happens. Of course, this good happens only to distract your attention and to seed some foolish believes in your head, but I'm not the one to be caught twice in the same trap.
If there is no big difference to you, it looks like "you are not appreciating the life you are given". Don't you also think that pessimism is kind of the easiest path, not quite interesting ?
I think sometimes one has to bind himself to the mast of the boat to escape the singing of the sirens. What I mean is pessimism can be very seducing...
Thank you for the comments, I was thinking on them. Life is the most precious thing one can ever have. I remember it every time I climb too high or swim too far (instincts work). Unfortunately, there are too many ways how to waste it. Thank you for the advice about binding to the mast, but first I have to decide were to sail. And who knows, may be sirens are my friends? :)
Sorry, I was sarcastic again.
Where to, shouldn't be a question. The way itself is important and how you make it out.
The sirens seek to lure Odysseus to his death with their beautiful voices. Sirens aren't your friends, but maybe they are looking like friends?
OH yeah... they can be so beautiful, tempting and seducing...
ahh, don't listen to the melodious voices
Apparently, it is a question. I guess Shakespear would agree with me. And this is where most of my sarcastic stories are pointing at. If you get any ideas about the answer or another story, I would appreciate.
I did not read anything from Homer, but I am familiar with the story. About sirens and choosing friends - this is another aim of my sarcasm.
your sarcasm is not cool. Just to be sure you know it.
the last comment must be from a female! I like sarcasm in general. But you sound more like a disappointed and hate concentrated man trying to hide behind his sarcasm. Maybe Homer finds another 'story' for you.
To Anonymous I: Sarcasm is a joy for a hopeless. I'm writing/translating sayings/stories to divert myself and the others who feel the same way I do. If you don't find them cool I will try to improve.
To Anonymous II: You shamed me. I'm going to read Homer as soon as I get some time for reading (usually, when I travel).
I'm sharing my sarcasm hoping someone would find it fun. Hate is a bad feeling. I don't think you want me to share it. Thank you for the comment.