The Meaning of Life
I asked George if there is still anything left to live for. He told me a good story. I'm going to tell it to you.
A man dies and gets to the heaven, where he meets St. Peter:
- Excuse me, says the man, but I have a question to you.
- I'm listening, says St. Peter.
- Tell me, what was the meaning of my life?
- Do you really want to know it?
- Certainly!
- Remember that in 1983 you went in a business trip to Krasnodar?
- Well, yeah ...
- And you got to know some people, who traveled with you in a train?
- Probably ...
- And you went together to the train's restaurant.
- So ...
- And at the neighbor table there was a woman.
- Could be ...
- And she asked you to pass the salt
- Hm, possibly ...
- And you passed her the salt!
- Most probably!
- That was it.
ne ponyal... poyasni plz ... evgeny
Thanks for dropping in. Well, this story says that the role of the guy in the master plan was just to pass the salt to a woman he met in the train. It is the best story I ever heard on the topic "Why are we here?"