Climbing with Scorpions
This Saturday we went to a climbing wall in the Sarntal valley. I was trying some easy track and on one of them there was a surprise waiting for me. Do you believe in scorpions in the Alps?
Actually, it was my first meeting with scorpions and in Latvia you don't know about them much. Markus said they are not biting at all, Nikolaus said it bites like a bee. Anyhow, I did not want to find it out experimentally, so I took him down from the track with an express-draw.
Now I'm reading that the most poisonous scorpions, informally called death stalkers, live in Israel, and even though, a bite of this specie cannot kill an adult man.
P.S. Pitty that my camera is still broken, otherwise you would have a picture.
I have seen one little scorpion, but could not believe my eyes myself. Do not remember where, but in South Tyrol for sure.