On Being Busy
When I am are constantly busy, it feels like my life goes on smooth and saturated. I feel a lot of moral reward from every accomplishment.
When I stop being busy, I start thinking a lot. I rediscover things missing in my life and this is scary.
I also realize that sometimes I keep myself busy just not to think. That's even scarier.
hey rasta,
how are you? how do you like your new escape place? :)
b-dashke! i am glad you stick around, hope you're doing fine! i am not sure if it is an escape place or a land of promises. i am good so far. just ate an ice-cream. may be shouldn't have eaten. diet, you know!
Haven't read your blog for a very long time. As always, a lengthy comment:
You can look at it in a different way: most people work very hard to be busy/intoxicated so that they do not think too much.
It is so because thinking [about life] is very unrewarding and inefficient unless you are good at it, i.e. you are used to the tools of psychoanalysis and philosophy.
Others never trust thinking, as thinking is words, newtonian physics versus quantum physics.
Those who accept they are the thinking types might be interested in the definition of a human as a story teller. we construct a story in our heads for all things happening. The main point is that if you sincerely work on the story, it changes. Missing things can become things that lead you somewhere, especially being what you are now.
Another thing about missing things is we often want what we cannot have. Perfect jobs, parents, weather etc. Moreover we never desire things we already have (human being is incapable of this), and it is as stupid as desiring things you can never have.
So we have to deal with being a human, not so many choices except for intoxication.
Guoda, thanks for checking my blog and leaving this thoughtful comment. I guess, I'm gonna be citing this!