Perfect Flat-mate
A perfect flat-mate is the one who cooks for the others lots of meat and almost never at home. At the moment I'm failing in both positions. I guess I cannot improve about the first point, because I don't like meat. I will try now to leave home before 08:00 and come back only after 23:00.
So if I say kill yourself, you would do that to?!
dear romans, I think you have terrible flatmates. But now just do not pretend we are evil and you're not. Who was so upset when there were ONLY two days left until our comeback from holiday????????????? Do you think I feel welcome home after that at all???????
I admit that I am a terrible flatmate and I will try to improve from now at least by not showing up at home. I cannot guarantee the other things you say to me.
... and according to the definition, I have much better flat-mates than myself: some of you cook lots of meat for the others and some are never at home :(
Well I give up. I do not care anymore . The definition is so terrific that it even fails quantum theory. Btw, we did not hear your definition and I bet it would be completely different, but just don't start telling it to make us feel more terrible flatmates. Anyway, if you wonder how it fails quantum theory, I can tell you: things are both good and bad until you look at them. We looked at a flatmate definition and produced a good flatmate definition. Which is is still in quantum state, depending on the perceiver. As long as there are no perceivers (as long the only one interested in definition is a wall), it is ok. I think the reason why there are wars in the world have similar quantum background. So as soon as people will stop deciding something, the world will be perfect, just as a quantum.
so as long as nobody wants to find out if the cat is dead or not, the cat is both dead and not. It is kind of extension of quantum theory.
I haven't thought so far. Sounds like an interesting point. I feel I need to read some books, or smoke them. Anyhow, today there will be dinner with lots of meat at home and without garlic. (Any ideas what to do with meat?
Let us eat it raw! (in fact, I do not eat raw meat. And in general I do not like that you got a fixation on this meat).
Anyway, why do you think it is a finite and complete definition? Kinda Golden ticket?
I see I can't stop you from taking it as a good definition of a good flatmate (you choose to treat the cat dead even if it might be alive or vice versa), but let me remind you that this problem might be NP hard.
So if defining a perfect flatmate is an NP problem, being a perfect flatmate I guess is even harder. So my modest suggestion would be not to try it.
I posted this definition, because it sounds funny. Especially I like the part "never at home". But I wouldn't say that a perfect flat-mate is the one which is never at home. However, about this kind of a flat-mate you cannot say anything negative.