Romka's Bits and Bites

complains, jokes, and recipes

Visiting Munich

Some 3 or 4 weekends ago I decided to change slightly my surroundings and visited my classmate that works now in Munich. Big thanks to Misha, who gave me a lift till Rosenheim, so I did not spend a lot for the trip.

I was already in Munich before, but all my visits were limited to the railway station, the airport and the shops around the railway station. This time I had enough time to walk around the city, go shopping and even visited one museum (Alte Pinakothek). On the picture I'm posing with a pig from the hunting and fishing museum.

So how it went: walking, shopping, eating (and sometimes cooking) and working on my paper, of course.

On Saturday night I felt a high temperature and since then I lived 2 days on drugs until I came back "home". Thanks to Irinka, who was taking care of me. I guess I emptied a half of her drug reserves.

On 15/12/07 Blogger Unknown said:

munich is cool... especially for shopping. Did you buy anything? what? the bag in your hand on the picture suggests a positive answer =)

Sad that you got cold there.

On 16/12/07 Anonymous Anonymous said:

ohoh... smooching with famous pigs, hu?? these tourists.... ;)


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