Romka's Bits and Bites

complains, jokes, and recipes

On Flaws

"People who don't drink, smoke, or curse, always make me suspicious. I am sure, at night they chop corpses of little children or something like that."

-- Chuck Palahniuk

So, he's wrong, because at nights I am configuring my Linux.


On 12/2/11 Anonymous Anonymous said:

You should definitely go for the corpses.

On 12/2/11 Blogger Mariano said:

ARGH!!!! move to mac romans!!!

On 16/2/11 Blogger romka said:

To Anonymous: have try to prepare a freshly caught fish or a cuttle-fish?

To El Mono: Too late, I am a happy owner of Asus UL80Jt. It has great hardware for a good price, just not so well supported by any operating system, including shipped Windows 7. I guess apple laptops are a better choice than micro-ass-licking laptops, but still proprietary. I choose a ball-breaking freedom :)


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