Romka's Bits and Bites

complains, jokes, and recipes


I still haven't found the ideal place for myself. So far I visited around 20 countries, but luckily, there are more than 200 countries left, and I am looking forward to the interplanetary travelling. Some home-grown psychologists may conclude I am escaping from something. It could be so, but I usually try to pay all the bills before I leave. I wouldn't call it escaping, I am rather looking for something.


On 21/10/10 Blogger guoda said:

Man's travel algorithm can usually be solved by finding his woman's travelling algorithm. The problem is that while it is possible to visit all the countries, I do not think it is possible to visit all the women.

On 21/10/10 Blogger romka said:

I thought it is opposite, a woman follows her man. But in the modern times everything is possible.


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