Romka's Bits and Bites

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Money As Debt

"Money as dept" is a 47 minute long movie by Paul Grignon explaining How's and Why's of the current monetary system in a very easy way.

I liked it very much and I recommend to watch it for everybody > 3 years-old :)

Here is a version with Russian dubbing-in.


On 27/11/08 Anonymous Anonymous said:

I'd liked the movie. money = debt is actually true, multiplying by "no" ... quite interesting idea. However, the movie misses to state that it is every individuals' choice to get in debt or not. We face a choice as "rational beings".
I did not like the alternative monetary systems presented in the last part of the movie. It suffices to point to some major shortcomings of the actual system.
The actual monetary system allowed mankind to evolve as quickly as it did. (which is a good and bad thing at the same time)
Tell me, where and how did u find the film? And what do you mean with "russian dubbing"?

On 12/12/08 Blogger romka said:

I liked your argument for actual monetary system. You said that it helped to progress the mankind.

About the individual choice - I disagree. It is banks, not individuals who are producing more money than the actual resources available.

Dubbing-in is a voice over the original movie. Excuse my English.


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