Romka's Bits and Bites

complains, jokes, and recipes

I spent a lot of time designing the following "Peace of Art", so fotos of Prague are not today. Here's a foto of my girlfriend. You might find her unpretty, but she's a very pleasant person to talk with and we're spending very nice evenings together.

On 11/4/05 Anonymous Anonymous said:

ROMAAAAA!!!!! a ja to dumala!!!! ;)

On 12/4/05 Blogger romka said:

Сальсу она не танцует, зато с ней всегда можно "выйти-поговорить" :)

On 12/4/05 Anonymous Anonymous said:

ladno, ladno! tolko silno tam ne uvlekajtes drug drugom ;)

On 15/4/05 Anonymous Anonymous said:

Roma, privet! Ja tozhe zashel na tvoj weblog! A eto chto - grusha, k-raja krepitsja k polu? :) Ideja interesnaja, neuzheli takije u vas tam prodajutsja? Or is it part of your Ph.D. research? :)))


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